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Mind Your Mouth - Blog

The Calm Before the Storm: Why Do I Need an Extraction if My Tooth Doesn’t Hurt?

January 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 11:20 pm
Dentist explains extractions to patient

If you’re in the middle of an agonizing, throbbing toothache, it’s probably pretty easy to understand why your tooth needs to be extracted. However, many patients are surprised to learn that they need a tooth removed even though they are not feeling any pain. Here’s a brief guide to why tooth extraction may be necessary if your tooth doesn’t hurt as well as how the removal process works.


Is Tooth Pain Always a Dental Emergency?

December 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 12:39 am
Lady holds ice pack over cheek

Tooth pain can range in severity from negligible to agonizing, and it may be a dental emergency depending on what caused the problem and how much it interferes with your daily life. While some cases of dental pain can be addressed with improved oral hygiene or another lifestyle adjustment, other cases may require patients to seek the attention of a dental professional for relief. Here’s a brief guide to how to tell if your tooth pain is a dental emergency.


How to Make a Dental Emergency Kit

November 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 6:14 pm
a dental emergency kit

Dental emergencies can happen at any time, but unlike for other types of injuries, most people don’t have a dental first aid kit. Yes, urgent dental issues should be treated by your dentist, however the better prepared you are in the meantime, the better your odds are of a successful outcome. If you’d like to protect yourself and your family in an oral health crisis, here’s how to stock your very own dental emergency kit.


Playing it Safe: Does Tooth Sensitivity Need Emergency Care?

October 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 11:39 am
A woman suffering from tooth sensitivity

In most cases, you wouldn’t see a sensitive body part as a big deal. Everyone feels minor aches and pains at times – they’re often harmless and quickly fade. However, things change when you face sensitive teeth; they could need immediate care. You’ll want to address them carefully to avoid issues down the line. With that said, your South Portland dentist can help with that process. Here’s a solid answer to the question, “Does tooth sensitivity need emergency care?”


Replacing Restorations: Is It Time for New Dentures?

September 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 2:54 pm
Full set of dentures on reflective surface next to two dental mirrors

Missing teeth can affect everything from physical health to emotional well-being because a complete set is essential to perform basic tasks like eating, speaking, and smiling. Thankfully, your dentist can restore your smile’s appearance and functionality with dentures. These prosthetics are the tried-and-true way to replace lost teeth because they’re a versatile solution that provides a wide range of benefits.

However, your dentures aren’t likely to last forever. There’s a good chance that you’ll eventually need to repair or replace them. If you’ve had yours for a few years and are wondering whether you need a new set, continue reading to learn three indicators that let you know it’s time!


4 Questions to Ask Your Dentist About Dental Implants

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 4:09 pm
A dentist holding up a dental implant model for a patient

Are you considering dental implants but aren’t completely sure if you should take the next step? Improving your oral health with these prosthetics isn’t a decision that should be made lightly. If you’re heading to your first consultation but are still feeling uncertain about whether or not to invest in yourself, here are some important questions to help you get a better understanding and make a more informed choice.


Should You Try CBD To Treat Your Sleep Apnea Symptoms?

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 2:36 pm
CBD oil

If you suffer from sleep apnea, it’s understandable that you might want to find any means possible to get a good night’s sleep, even if that requires resorting to alternative or experimental methods. One such therapy that you may have heard about is taking CBD (cannabidiol), a naturally occurring derivative of the cannabis Sativa plant.

CBD is available in many forms, including oils, “vape” fluid, and even pills or gummies. It is said to help relax your body and allow you to fall asleep faster, thus making it “worth a try” when you’re struggling to catch some z’s. But when it comes to sleep apnea, CBD products may not be such a good idea. Here’s why.


Preventing Pain: Practical Advice for Avoiding Dental Emergencies

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 3:45 pm
Patient holding their jaw due to dental emergencies

Even for normally healthy smiles, sometimes dental emergencies can’t be avoided. Falls and other accidents are unpredictable, after all. However, there are some steps you can take to minimize the risk of experiencing a dental crisis. If you’re curious to know the best ways to keep your smile happy and emergency-free, continue reading. In the world of dentistry, prevention is the key!


Do You Have Sleep Apnea? You Might Want to Adjust Your Thermostat

January 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 4:02 pm
Man trying to sleep with sleep apnea

Have you ever stood in front of your thermostat and debated what to set it at to sleep? As it turns out, this thought process can be complicated further if you have sleep apnea. Research suggests that the temperature of the room may have a significant effect on the disorder.

If you want to learn more about how your environment affects your ability to rest with sleep apnea, continue reading.


Terrible Tension: Gum Chewing and TMD

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 3:39 pm
X-ray image of a skull with the temporomandibular joint glowing yellow

Have you noticed that your jaw feels particularly stiff and achy when you wake up, or do you notice a clicking sound when you open your mouth? If so, you may have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Unfortunately, if you’re a habitual gum-chewer, this could be the culprit behind your condition. Keep reading to learn more about why it happens, and how your dentist can help resolve the issue!

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