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Should You Try CBD To Treat Your Sleep Apnea Symptoms?

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — mymmaine @ 2:36 pm
CBD oil

If you suffer from sleep apnea, it’s understandable that you might want to find any means possible to get a good night’s sleep, even if that requires resorting to alternative or experimental methods. One such therapy that you may have heard about is taking CBD (cannabidiol), a naturally occurring derivative of the cannabis Sativa plant.

CBD is available in many forms, including oils, “vape” fluid, and even pills or gummies. It is said to help relax your body and allow you to fall asleep faster, thus making it “worth a try” when you’re struggling to catch some z’s. But when it comes to sleep apnea, CBD products may not be such a good idea. Here’s why.

Sleep Apnea and Muscle Relaxation

When you’re diagnosed with sleep apnea, one of the first things your doctor probably warned you about was avoiding sedatives and not consuming alcohol too close to bedtime. That’s because sleeping pills and alcohol relax the muscles. With sleep apnea, your airway muscles are already so relaxed they are struggling to stay open while you’re asleep. This is what causes you to struggle to breathe.

 The same concept applies to CBD. By encouraging your body to relax, CBD may put you to sleep faster, but it can worsen your sleep apnea symptoms in the process. Remember, the goal isn’t just to get you to rest, it’s to get your body to function properly and breathe correctly while you’re doing so.

Safe and Effective Sleep Apnea Treatments

While you may be tempted to try an alternative therapy to get some shut eye, there are safer ways to get results. Traditionally, many people are prescribed CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machines to help force the airway open as they sleep.

Unfortunately, these machines can be uncomfortable and difficult to operate for some patients, causing them to use them infrequently or not at all. The problem is, if you don’t use your CPAP, it certainly can’t help improve your sleep.

Thankfully, there’s a better way. ProSomnus and SomnoMed oral appliances are custom-crafted orthotic devices that are designed to fit your individual mouth comfortably as you sleep, naturally propping the airway open instead of relying on forced air to do the heavy lifting.

Because of this, these devices are much better tolerated and much more likely to be used than CPAP machines. Patients are able to get a comfortable night’s sleep without the worry of complicated machinery or having to resort to experimental or unproven methods like CBD.

It’s Time for Bed

Skip the so called “safer” remedies. If you suffer from sleep apnea and are looking for a safe and effective alternative to CPAP, speak to your dentist about the benefits of the ProSomnus and SomnoMed appliances today!

About The Author

Dr. Katherine Parét focuses on not just the mouth, but total body wellness. At Mind Your Mouth, Dr. Parét and her team strive to ensure that all their patients’ needs are met, from having a bright healthy smile to a relaxed body and a good night’s sleep.

With a focused interest in sleep apnea treatment, the Mind Your Mouth team provides comprehensive, uplifting care from head to toe.

To learn more about how Dr. Parét can help you achieve your wellness goals, please visit our website or call 207-200-4106.