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Wellness Services – South Portland, ME

Focusing on the Well-Being
of Your Body & Smile

Woman smiling after wellness visit at Mind Your Mouth

The most unique feature of Mind Your Mouth is that we acknowledge and understand the connection between your oral health and the rest of your body. For some patients, something as simple as altering their diet could help them avoid needing another root canal. Our goal is to point out these underlying factors and help you improve your total health and wellness by addressing them, which is why we offer a wide array of wellness services for our South Portland, ME dental patients in addition to high-quality dental care.

Why Choose Mind Your Mouth for Wellness Services?

  • Address Underlying,
  • We Care About
    Your Overall
  • Additional Wellness Services
    Focus on
    Mental & Physical Health


Yoga class

Dr. Katherine Parét became a certified yoga instructor because she felt like it could help her better serve her patients. The American Osteopathic Association states that practicing yoga offers a variety of benefits, including:

  • Lesson chronic pain
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduce insomnia
  • Improve cardio and circulatory health
  • Improved energy, vitality, and respiration

These are only a few of many benefits that you can reap from participating in yoga at Mind Your Mouth.


Woman meditating

Countless medical studies have shown that meditation can benefit and enrich people’s lives in small and impactful ways, which is why we invite you to participate in mediation at Mind Your Mouth. It has been shown to help train your mind and redirect your thoughts as well as develop healthy sleep patterns. In the end, a healthy frame of mind can have a drastic impact on your oral and physical health.

Nutritional Counseling

Healthy foods recommended as part of nutritional counseling

Many of our patients are surprised to learn just how much of an impact their diet can have on their oral health. That’s why we’re offering nutritional counseling to make sure that you get the vitamins and nutrients necessary to not only keep your gums and teeth healthy, but also make you feel great and energized. Whether you’d like to overhaul your daily diet and start fresh or tweak a few of your snack-choices to improve your health, you’ll be able to benefit from our nutritional counseling!

Energy Healing

Patient receiving energy healing

Have you ever heard of reiki? It’s a Japanese energy healing technique that more people are turning to in order to improve their mental and physical wellness. Many patients get reiki treatments to address mental health problems such as depression, to reduce chronic pain, and to generally enhance their overall quality of life. During your treatment, you’ll likely feel a sense of relaxation and peace overcome you, helping you get in touch with your physical body. Many patients even fall asleep during their appointment, but don’t worry! You’ll still be able to get all of the benefits even if you doze off.

Healthy Snacks & Local Juices

Woman eating a healthy snack

At Mind Your Mouth, we’re not just dedicated to uplifting individuals in our community, we’re also dedicated to small businesses in the area. That’s why we stock our dental office with healthy snacks and juices from businesses in the area, so you can discover a new local shop that you love and can support! Plus, each of our hand-selected snacks and juices will be good for your oral and physical well-being.

three people smiling together

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